Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Haley Johnson

Introduce yourself! Where have audiences seen your work recently and where can they see you next?
Hi! I'm Haley and I've been an active member of the Colorado theatre community dating back 20 years (you can probably tell from all my grey streaks!). As an actor, I've worked with Vintage, Miners Alley Playhouse, Benchmark Theatre, Buntport, Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company, square product theatre company, Firehouse Theatre, Theatre Company of Lafayette and Longmont Theatre to name a few. I am also a director, designer, playwright and arts supporter as well as being the Executive Director and co-founder of Benchmark Theatre.

I am fortunate to also date back to the early days of Vintage Theatre as my first performance with them was the 2007 production of A Streetcar Named Desire at the old location on 17th and Vine in Denver. And I was lucky enough to remount Streetcar in 2014 at the Dayton venue! Vintage has been a home base over the years with the majority of my artistic opportunities anchored at the Denver and Aurora venues (August: Osage County; Rabbit Hole; Closer; Agnes of God; 'night, Mother; Angels in America; Dinner With Friends, etc.). After taking a 5-year hiatus from the stage due to having a baby during the height of COVID (clearly, our timing was amazing), I'm thrilled to return to tread the boards!

What is your favorite aspect of your role?
Helen Hubbard is such a fun role - I see her as brassy, larger-than-life, affable. She's got some great one-liners and brings Ludwig-esque levity to the play. Agatha Christie is known for her mysteries, her well-rounded characters and intricate plots. Ken Ludwig is known for comedy - it's such a fun marriage of the two genres in this adaptation!

Who are some of your top fictional detectives/investigators?
I love dark, suspense thrillers; I enjoy David Fincher films as he really sets the mood as a filmmaker. Detective Mills (Brad Pitt) and Detective Somerset (Morgan Freeman) from the 1995 film, Seven are favorites. As are Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) and Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara) from the 2011 US remake of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

Is there a specific line or moment from the play that resonates with you?
I have fun with the elements of romance and comedy in the story. We have a set of young lovers, a flirtatious broad who is seeking attention wherever she can get it and there are some playful interactions between Hercule Poirot and the Countess which I find endearing.

Two trains leave the station, one from Paris, one from Delhi, each leaving at the rate of—just kidding! Why should audiences come see Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express at Vintage?
Christie stories are classics. Everyone can appreciate a good whodunit and this one is a doozy. If you haven't seen/read it before, how quickly do you think you can figure it out? And if you do know the ending, you should still come see it, don't give it away and have fun with the quirky and funny band of misfits in this cast! See you soon and thanks for supporting live theatre in Colorado!


Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Luke Fish


Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Terence Keane’s Train Tunes