Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Todd Black

Introduce yourself! Where have audiences seen your work recently and where can they see you next?
I was last seen as Walter in The Inheritance at Vintage Spring 2023.

What is your favorite aspect of the show?
My favorite aspect of the show is the combination of humor, suspense and pathos.

Who are some of your top fictional detectives/investigators?
I love Benedict Cumberbatch's take on Sherlock Holmes! I've always been intrigued by Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train.

You’re playing the board game Clue—what your idea character/weapon/location combo?
In Clue, Miss Scarlett with the Candlestick in the Study, courtesy of Lesley Ann Warren's scene in the film!

What part of this production resonates with you the most?
The part in the show that resonates with me most are the stories of the characters that are being withheld.


Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Terence Keane’s Train Tunes


Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Allistair Basse