Andy Anderson

Andy Anderson (Gooper)

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof


What excites you about Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and the role you are playing?

This show has long been one of my favorites. I love Tennesee Williams' work, and this will be the 3rd one of his shows I have performed in (the others being The Glass Menagerie & A Streetcar Named Desire). I am excited about playing Gooper because he is kind of the forgotten son in this family. And while he may not be the most likeable character, I am anxious to bring some humanity to him, as all people have some degree of goodness.

What’s your process like in preparing for a show like this, and how does that process change (if at all) from other shows?

In preparing for any role, I want to become as familiar as possible with the script. Since this is a show I have seen and read many times, I have a pretty good familiarity already, but I want to get into it even further. I also like to discuss character choices with my fellow actors, as well as with the director. And then, just delve into it and start having fun!

What’s your biggest challenge about taking on this role?

As I mentioned earlier, I think that Gooper can be seen as the "villian" in this show, and I don't really think he is. While you can question his motives and some of his actions, he thinks he is doing what is best for his family. So I think the challenge is to play him honestly and as a real person, so that he doesn't come off as one-dimensional, but rather as multi-faceted.

How did you get started performing?

I started as a little child, putting on shows for my family and friends from about age 5! I began doing theatre in middle school, and I haven't stopped since then!

Why do you still perform?

I still perform because it allows me to bring out the side of me that is often left undiscovered in my daily life. I feel I can throw away all fears and insecurities of my real life, and manifest them on the stage. And I love hearing and seeing an audience react emotionally, whether it be positive or negative. That is what art does, it prompts a reaction!

What’s your dream role, and what do you feel you would bring to it?

Wow so many to choose from. At this point in life, I would have to say The Dresser, which is centered around the relationship between an aging Shakespearean actor and his dresser. It is a beautiful and funny show, and I think at this stage in my life, I could bring some perspective to the aging actor character!

What’s a fun fact people may not know about you?

In my 30's, I spent three years working as a communications aide for the Governor of Minnesota. My most challenging acting role yet!


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