Bryan Plummer
Bryan Plummer (Igor)
What excites you about Young Frankenstein the Musical?
Young Frankenstein is so exciting as an actor because it is chalk full of hilarious, over the top characters! I moved to New York City right around the time YF started on Broadway. I worked at a theatre across the street and very conveniently always got out around when YF would have their lottery for tickets. This was back when lottery tickets for shows were actually attainable (especially since this one was held at a McDonald’s, not even at the theatre, nobody knew... score for me!). I ended up seeing the show 9 times in the front row and fell completely in love!
What’s your process like in preparing for a show like this, and how does that process change (if at all) from other shows?
I’m very excited for this process, mainly because my last few years of doing shows have consisted of only having two short weeks of rehearsal and then opening. It’s always a positive rush, but I’m very excited to have a little more time to explore the character, get to know these beautiful people, and enjoy the journey a little bit more! Plus it’s my first time in 15 years back performing in the mile high, so I’ll probably need to stock up on oxygen.
What’s your biggest challenge about taking on this role?
My challenge in doing the role of Igor, is to make it completely my own. Like I said, I’ve experienced the show many times. The actor who originated the role on Broadway (Christopher Fitzgerald) is an idol of mine. I’ve experienced much of his vast career spanning original roles in Wicked, Waitress, and Finians Rainbow. As much as I want to emulate everything he does, I look forward to coming at it my way!
How did you get started performing?
I started performing in the Colorado Children’s Chorale, a Colorado based performing group, while I was in third through eighth grade. My elementary school music teacher, for some reason, thought I could sing on pitch, and encouraged me to audition. Coincidentally, 10 years later, a palm reader at after-prom in high school told me I should never pursue a career with music, as my palm told her I was probably tone deaf. Luckily I ignored her and continued performing through high school and went to the University of Redlands for a musical theatre degree. I’m also a big ol’ choir nerd and lover of barbershop quartet singing.
Why do you still perform?
I still perform because there is absolutely no other thing in the world I would rather do. It’s an escape, it’s an experience, it’s a journey, it’s a personal test and it’s FRICKIN FUN!!
What’s your dream role, and what do you feel you would bring to it?
Okay, hear me out, but I think I would be an amazing Elpheba in Wicked. I’ve got the nerdy part down. We’re both stubborn, want what’s right, and throw magical tantrums when we’re mad. Green might actually make me look good. And, believe me, I sound amazing when I’m belting it out on repeat in the car during long road trips!!
What’s a fun fact people may not know about you?
I was snatched, as a wee toddler, from my turtle sandbox in our backyard by someone hopping fences on the run from the cops. All turned out well, but like a Lifetime movie, I think I have an instilled fear of everything now. Say hi out of nowhere? I might accidentally knock your wind out. Wanna see a horror movie with me? Get ready to be scared at my reactions, not the actual movie. My top three fears: Heights, Balloons, and Feet.