Deborah Persoff
Deborah Persoff (Eleanor)
What excites you about Fireflies and the role you are playing?
Fireflies is a delightful play, that unfolds with quiet revelations about the character’s past and perhaps dreams to be filled. The relationships are rich with the day to day living and patterns that happen in small town America.
Just as the firefly darts about, with unpredictable light, so do these individuals also light on truths. Can love enter one’s life later than ever expected?
What’s your process like in preparing for a show like this, and how does that process change (if at all) from other shows?
The process has moved so well in rehearsal, getting to know each other with care and trust. Bernie has such a deft and caring hand at the helm.
How did you get started performing?
Radio was my first creative influence. A child can be anyone at all in the quiet of one’s room, imagining every dream suitor and princess.
What’s your dream role, and what do you feel you would bring to it?
My dream role would be a challenge that fortunately comes my way in the future.
What’s a fun fact people may not know about you?
I see a piece of paper, with texture and color, and I dream of a project to be made.