Joe Steiner

Joe Steiner (Ensemble)


JUNE 24 — JULY 31

What excites you about Gyspy and the role you are playing?

What excites me about Gypsy is the intensity and complexity that comes with this story. Along with beautiful music by Jule Styne and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, this story is a phenomenal example of understanding what characters in literature are willing to do to gain their success. Gypsy is a story about family, friendship, love, struggle, glory, and most of all what it means to grow up- No matter what age you are.

What’s your process like in preparing for a show like this, and how does that process change (if at all) from other shows?

My process with this production begins with me coming into every rehearsal with an open mind and heart. I like to live my life with the idea that every experience I have can be a learning experience. By taking every moment I can to offer as much of myself as I have to give, while being able to absorb all of the incredible energy and talent that I get to witness from my peers has been valuable and rewarding.

What’s your biggest challenge about taking on this role?

The two characters I play (Yonkers/Pastey) have two very different but yet similar “energies” throughout the show. Yonkers is much more devoted and passionate about what he does, while Pasty is far more rude and impatient. Finding those two different energy levels within the same show has been an incredibly fun and interesting challenge. 

How did you get started performing?

I like to think that I’ve never stopped performing. Since I could walk I was always playing pretend and coming up with stories to tell. I was about nine years old when I found out that I could do it on stage in front of an audience, and make them laugh or cry. From that moment I was sold. I've been performing ever since and have loved every minute of it, and I plan on doing it for as long as I can.

Why do you still perform?

The power of storytelling is what keeps me performing. It's an unbelievable force that is still a bit of a mystery to me. The ability to move an entire audience through art is mindblowing. Theater has this incredible ability of bringing in an audience then uses a story to help the audience develop a better understanding of themselves. It's a gift, an honor, a privilege and it's a necessity. 

What’s your dream role, and what do you feel you would bring to it?

My dream role is to play Bernie Cardell in the hit musical The Life and Times of Bernie Cardell! …I’m kidding! In all seriousness, I’ll never forget the first time I heard Sunday In The Park with George. That musical legitimately changed my life and influenced so much of who I am today. I hope to one day have the opportunity to play the role of George Seurat and be able to “Finish the Hat” with as much honesty and passion that I can offer.

What’s a fun fact people may not know about you?

I love to cook and I’m currently in the process of learning how to ride the unicycle (key word is learning).


Joe Barnard


Kennedy Russell