Nancy Evans Begley

Nancy Evans Begley (Drowsy)

The Drowsy Chaperone


Since I’ve been working at Vintage, I feel like I’ve seen and promoted you in many cabarets, but have yet to see you in a theatre production! (I could be wrong). Do you have a preference between a solo cabaret and a theatre production?

I LOVE performing in a full musical and telling stories that way, but there’s something very special about sharing my own story through a cabaret production. I’d say I love each equally, but for completely different reasons.

Is there something that compels you to continue these cabarets?

They’re a way to engage the community, tell a story, raise money for a special cause, and/or feature new artists. I have a passion for producing them well with a polished and finished product.

How does it feel to be reprising your role?

Reprising this role is very special. We had an incredible production at Performance Now, and the show was recognized with TEN Henry nominations. Drowsy is a dream role and show for me, so it’s such a joy to jump back in to her shoes… it’s also a bit intimidating since the show was so well received last year - I feel like expectations are extremely high, and justifiably so. This is probably the perfect example of “competition should only ever be me against me.” I’m ready to raise the bar again on round two!

How does your process in preparing for this role differ from your previous go-around?

The biggest difference is that this is like slipping on a perfect glove since it is truly a remount of production last year, and it’s more of a refresh than a typical process. Also, we have some new, amazing actors in this production, so learning their character development and beats is a fabulous, exciting adventure! I’m so blessed to work with Colby and Matt this show!

What excites you about The Drowsy Chaperone?

It’s the best musical comedy ever written. Truly. It’s everything a musical should be, and this cast is FIRE!

What’s your process like in preparing for a show like this? Is it different from any other show, or is your preparation always similar?

I do my earnest to come in VERY familiar with the script and score so I can really PLAY and polish in rehearsals. My preparation for any musical is similar because there is always so much to learn, and the details are where the story is.

What’s your biggest challenge in taking on this role?

This show is deceptively hard for all actors - it’s a comedy, but we can’t “try” to be funny. We’re in a dream world, but we have to be real and honest in our roles, and there are multiple “freezes” while Man in Chair narrates the storyline. The entire show is fully based in timing, choreography (both dance and comedic pacing), and the music ain’t easy! As We Stumble Along, the piece Drowsy sings, is debatably one of the most challenging adventures in vocal gymnastics as well. It is vital to keep my body and brain healthy and rested to always be at the top of my game for every show!

Tell me about the last production you were in!

I had the honor of playing Ethel McCormack in Footloose with Give5Productions at the Pace Center, also directed and choreographed by Kelly VanOosbree! A cast dreams are made of, truly.

What do you do when you’re not performing?

I’m in advertising, sales, and real estate consulting with Zillow by day, run my tiny production company with one of my best friends, travels, and make craft cocktails with my better half and husband of 14 years, Noah!

How did you get started performing?

It was a complete accident, actually. I sucked entirely at sports and everything else my parents tried to get me interested in as a kid. In 3rd grade, I had a solo singing Edelweiss in my school choir concert, and my parents and audience said, “wow, she can really sing!” I started acting and singing lessons immediately after and never looked back!

Why do you still perform?

It fills my cup and keeps me balanced. Theatre is my first love and continues to be my strongest passion. I want to perform forever.

What’s your dream role, and what do you feel your would bring to it?

Well, it was Mary Poppins and Drowsy! I’ve had the honor of playing both! Next up, Queen of the Universe? Kidding! Honestly, almost every role I’ve stepping into has become a dream I didn’t know I had for different reasons.

What’s a fun fact people may not know about you?

Oof… I’m an open book and not that interesting. I think it may surprise people to learn that I have dyslexia and ADHD, so I learn very differently than most. Here’s another one: I’ve lost 120lbs, and I’ve kept it off for 13 years. Also, Jessica Biel was my bunk mate at performing arts school when we were 13!


Brian Trampler


Colby Reisinger