Meet the Cast of The Hombres: Brandon Lopez

Introduce yourself! Where have audiences seen your work before and where can they see you next?

My name is Brandon and I've been performing across multiple theatres across Colorado since my first show (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat) in 2004 at the now-closed Boulder's Dinner Theatre. Since then, I've also performed at Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Town Hall Arts Center, and Vintage Theatre, just to name a few. The Hombres will be my third production at Vintage Theatre. After The Hombres, you can catch me in Town Hall Arts Center's production of Jersey Boys later this fall!

How would you describe this show to someone who is experiencing it for the first time?

This is a play about how 5 men explore what it means to be a man - and about how masculinity can be so much more than "toxic".

Masculinity and the exploration of relationships between men are central themes of The Hombres--what has this show taught you about how culture perceives masculinity?

This show reflects many different perspectives on masculinity. Masculinity is typically viewed as negative, as it is often follows the word "toxic". Spanish-speaking people even have a term for this - "Machismo". This is why showing masculinity through the perspective of Hispanic men in this play works so well. This show tells us that culture's perception of masculinity is narrow and that masculinity can be "anti-toxic" if we can focus more on how we all relate versus how we are different.

Yoga and mindfulness also play a large role thematically in the show--do you have any personal practices that ground you?

I practiced "yoga and mindfulness" for the first time on a regular basis back during undergrad at the University of Denver. Two things stuck with me from that experience the most: "Restorative Inversion" and Sun Salutations. I'm so happy that I get to continue to use this practice during The Hombres. As a music major, I also use breathing techniques to help center myself and balance breathing.

Do you have a favorite line or moment from the show? What is it and why does it resonate with you?

It has to be Pedro's overall chemistry with Beto (played by Brandon Billings). Throughout the play, it is clear that Beto and Pedro are close friends. But it is clear that Beto and Pedro are still very different people. At the end, Beto and Pedro connect on a brand new level together. And, while it is a very different experience from how Beto and Pedro normally hang out, it shows the growth between the characters and how close they are. Billings and I share a lot of time on stage together for this show, and I am grateful to have him as a stage partner. I can't wait to share the stage with these men!


Meet the Cast of Della Doucet: Wade Livingston


Meet the Cast of The Hombres: Brandon Billings