Meet the Cast of Della Doucet: Wade Livingston

Introduce yourself! Where have audiences seen your work recently and where can they find you next?

My last two shows were: Sir Francis Chesney in Charlie’s Aunt, Coal Creek Theater of Louisville and John Frost in Cat’s Cradle, Broomfield Community Players. My most recent role at Vintage Theatre was Mr. Woodhouse in Emma. Next up, I will be appearing as Santa Claus in a number of local venues.

What is your favorite attribute of the character you play/favorite aspect of your character?

Donny has a direct, gruff, earthy way of expressing himself. He also has a soft spot in his heart for people who are just starting in the sales game.

Why is it important for audiences to support new plays?

Would you go the movies and watch the same old ones over and over? Would you watch only TV shows that you have already seen? If you don’t support new plays, you don’t get new plays. And that would be tragic.

Do you have a favorite line from Della Doucet? Why does it resonate with you?

”This is more than love, it’s salesmanship.” I think it relates to an important theme in the play. As sonnet 111 says, “ nature is subdu’d/ To what it works in, like the dyer's hand.” Donny, Sam, and even Della all use sales techniques to pursue their beloved. Not necessarily romantic, but effective.

You're taking an unexpected trip to New York: what are the top five essentials do you pack?

Ear plugs, NY Times to read on the plane, a Baltimore Orioles cap (just to irritate the Yankee fans), Rick Steves’ most recent travel guide to New York, and a list of what’s playing on Broadwayy.

What do you hope audiences take away from Della Doucet?

It’s never too late to be brave and make a big choice.

If you were given funding for a solo art show, what would the title of your exhibit be and why?

Colin Livingston: A Retrospective, because my son is an artist.


Meet the Creative Team of Della Doucet: Paul Jaquith


Meet the Cast of The Hombres: Brandon Lopez