Caleb Sporrer
Caleb Sporrer (Ensemble)
What excites you about Young Frankenstein the Musical?
Being back in the theatre in a safe way is amazing! This is such a fun and energy filled show to return to live theatre with! In addition, this is a heavy dance show! I have been in love with dancing from a very young age. Teaching, choreographing, and executing dance makes me loose complete track of time. There’s also a tap number! Are you kidding?? It’s perfect. The cast is so incredibly talented and I can’t wait to learn not only from the artistic team but from those around me as well.
What’s your process like in preparing for a show like this, and how does that process change (if at all) from other shows?
Preparing for a show that is so dance heavy like this one is a little different for me. Ensuring I am eating right and stretching is vital for my success in both the rehearsal room and on stage.
What’s your biggest challenge about taking on this role?
My biggest challenge for this show is definitely balancing it with my current life. I am currently applying for BFA musical theatre programs, choreographing a local musical, and completing my senior year of high school. It is imperative that I take care of myself and those around me to ensure the success of the show.
How did you get started performing?
Theatre has been my love and passion since the moment in second grade when I stepped out on the stage in my little cowboy costume to perform a play about an infamous shoe gang. I felt an immediate surge of undeniable happiness and belonging. I instantly knew I had found my perfect match. Theatre has affected me in every way imaginable. The concept that musical theatre is “live” may appear mundane and unimportant. However, the art of live theatre allows me to access a deeper part of myself. Performing and training live forces me to consolidate my thoughts, worries, and emotions into a singular piece of art. I am able to work through my emotions within a song or express my deepest thoughts as I prance through the dance studio.
Why do you still perform?
Performing is my passion. It’s what I love to do most in the world. It brings me incomparable amounts of joy. The process of development and grown as a performer motivates me and I want nothing more than to perform for the remainder of my life. It’s also just really fun and I get to meet really cool people.
What’s your dream role, and what do you feel you would bring to it?
My dream role is Elder McKinley in the Book of Mormon. He is literally me. So it’s perfect! I would be able to bring my own comedic flair.
What’s a fun fact people may not know about you?
I enjoy thrifting so much. It allows me to find so many unique prices for a low cost. My #1 Grandpa hoodie is actually my prized possession.
Follow Caleb Sporrer on Instagram:
Instagram: @calebsporrer