Meet the Vintage Team! Deborah Persoff

Introduce yourself! Where have audiences seen your work and where can they see you next?
My name is Deborah Persoff. My staff position is Patron Liaison. Most recently audiences may have seen me perform in Driving Miss Daisy, Eleanor and soon to open Murder On The Orient Express.

I so believe in always listening to our patrons, welcoming them, knowing they are the reason for our theatrical offerings. It is a shared commitment to love live theatre, for its entertainment, enrichment, and discussion. Often having talkbacks after performance, gives voice to new views and perspective.

What is your favorite memory of working with Vintage Theatre?
One of my favorite memories at Vintage, was auditioning at our previous space on 17th Avenue, so desiring to do this new work and then driving to a rehearsal across town, with joy, because I knew the audition had gone well and the next morning, I was cast.and my new family with Vintage had begun.

What is something you wish audiences knew about Vintage Theatre?
From the moment the door is opened at Vintage, there is a flood of smiles and warmth from our volunteers. Shared hugs and seeing familiar faces, gathering at tables to await the next show.

If you were planning the perfect Colorado day that ended with seeing a performance at Vintage, what would your itinerary be?
A perfect day, capping with attending a Vintage production, would start with the perfect large cup of delicious coffee, making calls to friends., planning a simple dinner and arriving early at the theatre with excitement.


Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Allistair Basse


Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Bobbie Renee