Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Bobbie Renee

Introduce yourself! Where have audiences seen your work recently and where can they see you next?
Hi! I’m Bobbie Renee. Hopefully you’ll see me elsewhere sometime soon, but for now I’m real cozy on The Orient Express.

What is your favorite aspect of your role in the cast?
I love all the secrets and hidden motives because it creates such a dynamic character.

Who are some of your top fictional detectives/investigators?
I’m always down for a mystery. I grew up loving Agatha Christie plays and absolutely adored the movie Clue. Most recently, Knives Out has revived my interest in murder mysteries.

Is there a specific line or moment from the play that resonates with you?
“Examine your heart and tell us what you want.”
I mean if only it were that easy to live this out right? It’s something I aspire to.

You’re playing the board game Clue—what your idea character/weapon/location combo?
Ms. Scarlett in the library with the candlestick

Two trains leave the station, one from Paris, one from Delhi, each leaving at the rate of—just kidding! Why should audiences come see Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express at Vintage?
Glamor and passion and mystery…what more could you want?


Meet the Vintage Team! Deborah Persoff


Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Josh Levy