Jan Cleveland
Jan Cleveland (Clarissa)
What excites you about Cross Words?
This show has all the elements of a great murder mystery; a run-down mansion, the scheming, greedy couple; the innocent delivery boy; the snooty attorney; and a dark and stormy night. Can’t tell you that last time I’ve had so much fun with the twists and turns of a script – you’ll never figure this one out.
What’s your process like in preparing for a show like this, and how does that process change (if at all) from other shows?
There are certainly similarities in preparing for any show – for example, you always have to memorize those lines. What’s always amazing to me is that somehow in that process, the actor stops speaking lines and the character just starts talking. And the characters cause us as actors to walk and talk and behave differently. Those characters then change what we do as actors such that the preparation is right for them and for the specific show.
What’s your biggest challenge about taking on this role?
Clarissa has a lot of layers to her. I love having that challenge as an actor – to play each of those layers believably.
How did you get started performing?
I candidly can’t ever remember not performing – probably started when I was 8 or so dressing me and my little brother up in our parent’s clothes to do our kid version of a variety show for the family.
Why do you still perform?
I’ve been lucky to have appeared on stage for years as a jazz singer and an actor. For those of us that are professional performers, its safe to say that there is a part of each of us that simply doesn’t “live” unless we keep performing. We are a select few who have been given a gift that, when shared with others, gives so much happiness – including to us.
What’s your dream role, and what do you feel you would bring to it?
At this point in life I don’t think I have a “dream” role. I’ve been so lucky to have played so many delightful ones.
What’s a fun fact people may not know about you?
In early 2015, a wonderful man came to Vintage Theatre and volunteered as an usher for Other Desert Cities, a fabulous show where I shared the stage with 3 other first-class actors. He and I accidently met after the show, we’ve been together ever since, and we just got married on Sept. 12 this year. Love you Michael!