Meet the Cast of Della Doucet: Johanna Jaquith

Introduce yourself! Where have audiences seen your work recently and where can they find you next?

My name is Johanna Jaquith and I'm playing Della. Audiences most likely saw me in The One Act Play That Goes Wrong here at Vintage a couple of years ago. I played Denise. I was also in Puffs with Lost and Found right before the Pandemic and way back when I was a familiar face at the John Hand Theater in Lowry. I worked with all three resident theater companies and did many shows before having kids (Run For Your Wife, Baby Dance, The Man Who Came to Dinner, Next Fall, Dogs Barking, Beau Jest to name a few).

What is your favorite attribute of the character you play?

I love Della's decisiveness. When she makes a decision she acts on it immediately and intensely no matter how much it scares her or breaks her heart. Along with that I also love her confidence. She struggles with a lot of things but believing in herself is never one of them! I love that about her.

Why is it important for audiences to support new plays?

The world needs new stories. Hollywood is a sea of remounts and sequels right now. I think we are all hungry for new works, new ideas, new perspectives. This show in particular is just so charming. I think people will really connect with the narratives and fall in love with the characters. I hope everyone will support it both for Kirsten's sake and for the encouragement of all artists out there. We need to tell them they are so wanted and the world is hungry for what they're working to say!

Do you have a favorite line from Della Doucet? Why does it resonate with you?

"Don’t even know if I need a warehouse.” This won’t make a lot of sense without seeing the show. Lol. But it’s one of my favorite lines to deliver.

You're taking an unexpected trip to New York: what are the top five essentials do you pack?

1.) A nice dress for a nice dinner out
2.) A pair of tennis shoes for walking around the city
3.) A phone charger (Gotta FaceTime the kids)
4.) Tickets to several Broadway shows.
5.) A pair of PJ pants because I'm a jammie gal

What do you hope audiences take away from Della Doucet?

I hope audiences will come away feeling optimistic. All our characters face some huge personal growth moments in the show and it is so easy to recognize a part of yourself in their journeys; in their fears, in their bravery, in their efforts to love who they have been... and who they are becoming. Realizing you are becoming someone new is both exhilarating and painful but it happens to us all at one time or another. It can be during the big moments in our lives (parenthood, career shifts, graduations) but it also happens subtly over time, a thousand tiny decisions made in a thousand tiny moments. Regardless of how change happens, it happens, and it's ok. It's a beautiful truth of life.

If you were given funding for a solo art show, what would the title of your exhibit be and why?

So I am a person who needs to know what is going on. I hate when things in my life are ambiguous or I am waiting for answers. I also tend to be a bit on the dramatic side (lol surprise surprise). So my hubby and I have a running joke that if I ever had a solo show it would be called "The world is ending and I don't have a plan!"


Bold Journey Magazine: Meet Margaret Norwood


Meet the Creative Team of Della Doucet: Colby Bleicher