Meet the Creative Team of Della Doucet: Colby Bleicher

Introduce yourself! Where have audiences seen your work recently and where can they find you next?

I moved to Denver just under a year ago from Anchorage, Alaska! I’m thrilled to be working at Vintage for the first time. In early 2024 I assistant directed Benchmark Theatre's production of You Got Older. Next up: assistant directing Miracle on 34th Street the Musical at Town Hall!

What is your favorite attribute of the character you play/favorite aspect of your role on the production team?

Assistant directing is an opportunity to provide support to the cast and director as it's needed. I get to observe everything without the pressure of being "on" for the whole rehearsal the way a director must be.

Why is it important for audiences to support new plays?

Can you imagine if we got no more new movies, new music, or new books?! Me neither! New plays are telling stories we don't already know from characters we haven't already met.

Do you have a favorite line from Della Doucet? Why does it resonate with you?

“I’m trying to figure out… why we’re gettin’ along so well when I’m not using any charm.” It's a lovely moment in Della's journey of shedding her old life and embracing her true self. If you've ever made a connection with someone, romantic or not, where you suddenly realize you don't have to try or work hard or put on any airs, I think you'll relate.

You're taking an unexpected trip to New York: what are the top five essentials do you pack?

1) Good walking shoes.
2) A light jacket I can squish into my bag for when the nights turn chilly but there's no time to head back to my luggage. 3) Headphones -- nothing feels more like you're the star of a movie than walking around NYC with a great soundtrack in your ears.
4) The metro card I saved from my last trip.
5) Binoculars for seeing from a Broadway theatre's balcony, duh!

What do you hope audiences take away from Della Doucet?

It's never too late to love your life.

If you were given funding for a solo art show, what would the title of your exhibit be and why?

"This Is Not Perfect." I figure if I name it that, maybe I'll have a chance of ever finishing the pieces...


Meet the Cast of Della Doucet: Johanna Jaquith


Meet the Cast of Della Doucet: Corinne Landy