Joseph Sanford IV

Joseph Sanford IV (Ensemble)


JULY 1 — JULY 31

What excites you about Gyspy and the role you are playing?

What excites me most about Gypsy is how “meta” it all is for an actor. With a show about performers (maybe not always making the best of decisions) It’s easy to relate as an actor to some of the emotions and situations these characters are in.

What’s your process like in preparing for a show like this, and how does that process change (if at all) from other shows?

I think the most exciting thing about the process for this show (and any other) is that the process never stops. From the first night of rehearsal to closing night I always love discovering new things about my character.

What’s your biggest challenge about taking on this role?

With a show such as Gypsy, it has such a unique contrast in its style. With both an intense and emotional journey, and fun lighthearted musical numbers. Balancing those will be an exciting challenge.

How did you get started performing?

I started performing at local children’s theatre playing the role of Martin Luther King Jr. and “caught the acting bug” and haven’t stopped since.

Why do you still perform?

I still perform because I think I truly both get something out of it for myself and get to give to others. The enjoyment of performing and the challenge of creating a character is something you really can’t get anywhere else. Whether it be just the escape for 2 hours or the emotional journey, I think the audience can really get something from seeing a live performance.

What’s your dream role, and what do you feel you would bring to it?

I would love the opportunity to play the character Gabe in the musical Next to Normal. I think with a character whose very existence is in flux and reality is so deeply tied to other character’s perception of him provides a unique opportunity to create the character through other actors’ interpretation of their characters and of Gabe. It just seems like a lot of fun!

What’s a fun fact people may not know about you?

I own and play the keytar. If you are concerned that I misspelled “guitar” I didn’t. I have a Keyboard that can be played horizontally like a guitar and have had the opportunity to use it in a few productions.


Colby Reisinger


Evan McDermott