Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Josh Levy

Introduce yourself! Where have audiences seen your work recently and where can they see you next?Hi, I’m Josh! You may have last scene me in the Aurora Fox’s Gem of the Ocean as Rutherford Selig. Up next for me after this amazing opportunity to play Poirot, I will to revisit Rutherford in August Wilson’s next chronological play, Joe Turner’s Come and Gone back at the Fox.

What is your favorite aspect of your role in the cast?
While getting to play such a well known character as “Hercule Poirot”, I am really enjoying the chance to find what makes him human. What are his faults and weaknesses, besides being such a legendary detective.

Who are some of your top fictional detectives/investigators?
Besides Poirot, as a kid my favorite was the book series “Encyclopedia Brown”. I also loved reading the “Hardy Boys” to my kids.

Is there a specific line or moment from the play that resonates with you?
I have so many favorites…. I’ll choose “I had to get, how do you say, my ducks in a row.”

You’re playing the board game Clue—what’s your idea character/weapon/location combo?
Colonel Mustard, in the Ballroom, with the Revolver!

Two trains leave the station, one from Paris, one from Delhi, each leaving at the rate of—just kidding! Why should audiences come see Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express at Vintage?
LOL! This is such a special show and adaptation of Agatha Christie’s. There is suspense, lots of humor, and a moral question to ask yourself as an audience member. What more could you ask for in a play?


Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Bobbie Renee


Meet the Cast of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express: Evan Marquez