Meet the Cast of She Kills Monsters: Sara Risner

Hello, I'm Sara Risner. I was last seen in The Music Man with Performance Now! And played Emma Woodhouse in Emma with Vintage in 2019.

I'm playing the Narrator, Evil Tina and Farrah the fairy! I love playing these roles because they are all so different! And the stage fights are also a pretty cool too.

I've been into fantasy and sci-fi novels since high school when a teacher made us read The Hobbit and for the first time in my life I couldn't put the book down. It made me fall in love with reading! After that I picked up The Lord of the Rings, The Forgotten Realms series, and the Dresden Files series. Fantasy has always been a wonderful way to escape into a completely different world and make believe that there is magic and heros and demons and monsters.

My favorite moment in the show is the final scene between Lilly and Agnes. I don't want to give away any spoilers so all I'll say is that the scene gets me every time. 😢

Some of my favorites memories from the rehearsal process was one of our first Saturday rehearsals we were brainstorming and coming up with some funny ideas and Conrad suggested he come out for the boss fights with a bikini top! I hope everyone enjoys that moment in the show.

I have never played D&D but I've always wanted to try it so if anyone is looking for an adventurer let me know!

I would describe this show as Agnes's journey through her grief and loss of her little sister Tilly. Having not known her sister very well in life she finds a hand written D&D journal amongst her sisters thing after she's tragically killed in a car crash and employs a high school nerd to help her play it. Along the way she meets a multitude of monsters and discovers a secret about her sister that she has to deal with in order to move past her grief.

The show is funny and touching and campy and wonderful on so many levels. I have loved and adored this show since I first read it 10 years ago and it left such an impression on me. I hope our audiences can cherish this silly, beautiful show as much as I have.


Meet the Cast of She Kills Monsters: Chrys Duran