Meet the Cast of She Kills Monsters: Austin Jensen

Austin Jensen has just graduated from Colorado Mesa University and this is his first show within the Denver area.

Austin is playing Miles, Agnes' boyfriend, and his favorite aspect about the character is his willingness to learn about unfamiliar ideas so he can better support his girlfriend.

A fun rehearsal memory has been the general learning experience with the fight choreography. It's been fun, collaborative, and a great learning experience for Austin.

Austin has been in multiple DnD campaigns and has even ran a few in the past. Austin has mainly played Barbarians within his previous campaigns.

Audiences should come see She Kills Monsters because it's a touching story with wonderful moments of comedy that people will love!


Meet the Creative Team of She Kills Monsters: Susan Rahmsdorff-Terry


Meet the Creative Team of Sisters of Swing: Stephanie Faatz Murry