Meet the Creative Team of Sisters of Swing: Stephanie Faatz Murry
Introduce yourself: where have audiences seen your work recently and where can they see you next?
Stephanie most recently Directed/Choreographed Man of La Mancha with Ovation West and played Viola in Twelfth Night with Shakespeare in the Wild! This is her Vintage debut! You can next see her performing in Fiddler on the Roof with Performance Now! You can also catch her at the Vintage Bar :)
What is your role in the cast/creative team and what is your favorite part of that role?
I am the Director/Choreographer of this lovely co-production! My favorite part of that role is collaborating with all the other artists on our team to create a production we are excited to share with the public!
Do you have a favorite song or moment from the show?
I love all of the tight three part harmony, but Hold Tight (Want Some Seafood, Mama) has become my earworm during this process! I also love "I Love You Much Too Much", one of Patty's solos (played by Sam Barasso).
Please share a fond rehearsal memory from this process!
I have loved watching Sam, Bethany and Tracy develop their sisterly bond. The whole show revolves around the love and trust the Andrews sisters had for one another, so seeing them build that relationship and learn to really take care of each other on stage has been beautiful to watch.
How much did you know about the Andrew Sisters and their cultural impact before starting to rehearse this show?
I had done a USO style show in High School that included some Andrews sisters music, but that was the extent of my knowledge. I really had no idea how groundbreaking they were both as artists and women until I began researching for this process.
Who are some of your favorite vocalists and have they influenced your approach to the show?
I grew up listening to country and folk music. My most favorite musical group is The Wailin' Jennys (also a female trio, though very different stylistically)! I have always been attracted to female driven stories, so this story seemed like a natural fit!
Why should audiences come see Sisters of Swing?
The music alone is worth the price of the ticket- shoutout to our Music Director, Heather Iris Holt! The script moves quickly and is witty, with nods to Vaudevillian comedy. I think audiences will be surprised to learn about the length and breadth of the Andrews Sisters careers! But they were ultimately a famous music group-you come for those three part harmonies!