Meet the Cast of Della Doucet: Corinne Landy

Introduce yourself! Where have audiences seen your work recently and where can they find you next?

I'm Corinne, I'm from Denver, and I'm playing Erin! Most recently, I played Iris in Reptile Logic here at Vintage Theatre with Wounded Cobra Productions. Before that, I was last in Stonewall at Benchmark Theatre.

What is your favorite attribute of the character you play?

My favorite thing about Erin is her integrity. She takes every commitment seriously, from her art to her relationships. If she's going to do something, she is going to do it well, and she won't tolerate bullshit or frills. She might come off as cynical, but she's down-to-earth and honest.

Why is it important for audiences to support new plays?

Since you're already three questions deep in a local actor's blurb for a new play, I assume you are not brand new to the concept. Therefore, I will not write you a manifesto, dear reader. But let's say it's similar to why one might try to buy from a local small business over a corporation. And there's a good chance you could stumble on a work that uniquely amazes and touches YOU!

Do you have a favorite line from Della Doucet?

"I can't do that sugary shit."

You're taking an unexpected trip to New York: what are the top five essentials do you pack?

Pills, phone and charger, wallet, toothbrush. But that's for any trip anywhere. For New York specifically: Walking shoes, headphones, earplugs, face masks, jacket.

What do you hope audiences take away from Della Doucet?

Be wary of pushy men. Make art, even if it's trash.

If you were given funding for a solo art show, what would the title of your exhibit be and why?

"I May Have Misread Some Emails as 'Yolo Art Exhibit...' Please Excuse The Skateboards"


Meet the Creative Team of Della Doucet: Colby Bleicher


Meet the Creative Team of Della Doucet: Paul Jaquith