Meet the Cast of Grand Horizons: Jennifer So

Introduce yourself! What’s your role in the cast/creative team, where have audiences seen your work recently and where can they see you next?
Hello!! I’m Jennifer So! Most recently, audiences may have seen me on stage as Bec, in Insight Colab Theatre’s production of 4000 Miles by Amy Herzog. I’m also the current President of Insight Colab Theatre. We just collaborated with Vintage Theatre on She Kills Monsters, which closed at the end of February. It was a wonderful experience! I want to give another big shout out to the beautiful talented cast and crew again for all of their hard work and dedication! We had so much fun producing that action-packed show! I made my Vintage Theatre debut back in 2012, as Rose Hsu, in Joy Luck Club. I’m so excited to be back as Jess, in Grand Horizons. I invite anyone to stay connected with me over on Instagram ( @jso129 ) to follow what projects may come next!

The generational divides in the play reveal different attitudes about marriage, independence, and communication. What insights have you gained about these themes?
In Grand Horizons, the themes of independence, marriage, and communication are sprinkled throughout the play. We see Nancy enlightened by the idea of “having her own bank account to establish her own financial identity” or excited at the chance to get “to travel to DC or Lebanon to aid refugees”. Nancy is embracing Jess’ generation. I fully support not having joint bank accounts as a married couples or traveling somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. We see Jess support Nancy by expressing that “her own mother has always had her own bank account and also ran her own business.” I relate to Jess, because in my daily life, I’m very independent. I’ve solo traveled abroad numerous times and I’ve been working in the radio broadcasting industry for 14+ years. I find joy by working a job that I absolutely love and by filling my life with hobbies and activities that make me happy. Regardless if you’re married or not married, in any relationship it’s important to live a life where you can come together as a unit, but where you can also have the support and respect to live a life that is authentic to yourself and to who you truly are as a person.

Many characters make significant revelations during the play. What is your favorite moment to perform or create?
In Grand Horizons, Jess, is a therapist by profession and the “voice of reason” within the chaos or antics of the family’s behaviors. I enjoy the moments where Jess is able to truly connect and help ease the tension or help calm the emotions of her family members. Whether she is helping to untangle the thoughts and feelings surrounding Bill and Nancy’s divorce or connecting with her husband, Ben, on becoming new parents; she remains strong at her core. One of my favorite moments to perform or create comes in act two when she finally is able to insert herself and is seen as a member of the family too. Jess is a beautiful woman and I really enjoy exploring her perspective’s of love, marriage, motherhood, and women empowerment.

What memories from the rehearsal process have sparked the most joy and laughter?
I have loved every moment of the rehearsal process. Bernie Cardell, in an amazing director! He has such a gentle and kind way in asking the right questions to awaken the cast in discovering their true thoughts and feelings around a moment or scene in the play. It’s been a joy watching my fellow cast mates morph and grow into their characters. We truly laughed at every rehearsal. Whether, it was the way someone delivered a line or the way the scene unfolded; I always left rehearsal with the biggest smile on my face. I’m not a mom yet in real life, but I hope to be someday! I remember the day my “belly” showed up at the theatre… I was giggling, because it was a glimpse at what will be reality someday, but also the belly itself is so real looking!

What aspects of Grand Horizons do you think will resonate with audience members?
I think the aspects of how love can grow and change will resonate with the audience. Other aspects of independence, marriage, and women empowerment will resonate too. I think it’ll leave audiences wanting more. Perhaps it’ll spark conversations around the role of women in our culture or something that’s reflected in their own lives. Even I have gained new perspective’s on what it means to “live a life that you choose” and how relationships evolve through the years. Something that feels mundane may still be the spark that keeps love alive. Grand Horizons is a beautiful gift and I’m so grateful to be part of it.


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